The prostate is a small gland positioned beneath the bladder in men and is piece of the reproductive system. Some men develop prostate cancer, typically later in life. If cancer develops on your prostate gland, it will likely grow gradually. In rare cases, the cancer cells may be more violent, grow quickly, and spread to other areas of your body. The earlier your doctor discovers and treats the tumor, the higher the chances are of finding curative treatment. According to the Urology Care Foundation, prostate cancer is the second most widespread cause of all cancer-related deaths among American men. About one in seven men will be diagnosed with the disease in their lifetime. Approximately one in thirty-nine men will die from it. Most of these deaths happen among older men. What causes prostate cancer? Like all types of cancer, the precise cause of prostate cancer isn’t easy to decide. In numerous cases, numerous factors may be involved, including genetics as well as expos...